By Tony Reeves.
Some DM’s enjoy creating their own adventures as opposed to buying
pre-made ones. Not only does this save some them some bucks,
but allows the DM to use imagination, ingenuity, and creativity
in making a module or campaign work. Most DM’s have or should
have a vivid imagination, and very good ideas. Sometimes
though, the ideas when put into gaming terms don’t quite work
out the way they wish that they did. This is particularly
true of new DM’s, but sometimes it happens to long term DM’s
too. That’s why sometimes it’s a good thing to go back to
the basics.
A common problem I’ve seen in adventures
is a blatant lack of reality. Imagine this. You’re deep
inside an active volcano, and have had to skirt boiling mud
pits, hot lava and the spray of hot steam geysers many times.
It’s hot and your armor is sticky, and wet with sweat. Eventually,
you come to a very large cavern and an ancient white Dragon
appears. Excuse me? Is there something wrong with this picture?
This actually happened to me several years back! Irregardless,
geography should play a very major concern when placing your
monsters in a campaign or adventure. Now reconsider, if the
great white wyrm appeared atop a glacier, or deep within an
ice cave, wouldn’t that have been better? It’s very easy
for a beginning DM to make mistakes like this. Fortunately
if you have the knowledge and know where to get the right
information then this dilemma goes away permanently.
Put the right information in your
The way I add monsters to my adventure is
in several planned stages. After I know what I want the adventure
to consist of, have created the necessary hooks to get the
players attention and where I want them to go, have the entire
dungeon finished, including traps, insert the creatures.
I look over a detailed map of the area to refresh my memory
first. Then take a glance through the monster manuals and
always keeping my players level in mind just look at all they
can face, and logically defeat.
That doesn’t mean that the characters won’t
meet something that’s too hard for them to kill. It just means
that I add it at the last, because it’ll need the most attention.
The creatures in all the monster manuals are very detailed.
Each description will give frequency, number appearing, AC,
movement rates, special abilities, hit die, etc. The hit die
value is basically the level of the monster and how many hit
points each has. As I peruse the books, if something that
looks appealing, I put it down in a list of possible beasties,
along with their treasure type, and experience point value.
A good rule of thumb when you select monster is not to select
them if they are more than three levels higher than the player
characters. Putting all the info on the monsters down serves
two purposes. They’re committed to my failing memory, and
I can make decisions later on whether or not I really want
a particular monster. I may not want to use that particular
monster in the dungeon, but might want it as a wandering monster
or outside. Many times Dm’s will also make their list of wandering
monsters at this time. Sometimes I do too, but other times
I make set encounters for the PC’s trek to the dungeon, castle,
ruins, etc. If I want a list of wandering monsters then I
make it at the same time as the “regular” beasties only I
put them on a separate list.
Personally, I find that “set” encounters
are much less work, but use what ever works the best for you.
Again, have a good idea of what beasts you want to use, in
particular the main critter(s) or NPC, and add them to your
list. This time is very well spent for me as it also sparks
the old imagination. Anything now that comes to mind that
will fit, I add to my list too. After you’ve done this for
several years, you’ll begin to have a “feel” for what the
characters can handle as they attain certain levels after
that begins to happen you find that selection of monsters
is extremely easy. After I’m done shopping for critters,
I turn to the back of Monster manual II, Fiend Folio or DMG.
Here, I can find two, or three things that are the most useful
and important. Charts detailing creatures found in every
type of geographic area, from sandy deserts to cold salt-water
surfaces. I can also find the monsters by level and even
find random wandering monster table too if I want. I do use
the tables in the book occasionally, but not all the time.
I like to add a bit of spice. (My players say that I am just
sadistic and enjoy watching them struggle!), but honestly,
I only enjoy watching them squirm a little.
Now I‘ll totally finish my list adding from
the lists I see, again keeping the level of my player foremost.
After this, I generally put the books down until the next
day to give my poor little brain a rest. This isn’t necessary
for you, but I do it so that it gives time to think about
what the monsters “personal” characteristics are, how they’ll
react to the PC‘s, and last but not least, time to think about
how each monster will fit into what I want to do in the overall
picture. When I’m finished, I want to know the reason for
every single creature in the dungeon and be able to explain
this to the characters. (Yes, I’m a perfectionist, but this
is the part that makes my job as DM sweet! This little bit
of extra effort on my part, means the monsters are instantly
real to the PC‘s and one single sentence, spoken at the right
time, will make the creature truly come alive and months later
I often find that my players can even remember specific monsters
names! If you can do that, then it’s the best compliment you
could ever get! When I finally sit down at the books again.
I mark off anything I’ve decided I don’t like, don’t want
or otherwise seems out of place. I double-check the level
of the creatures. I circle the ones I think the PC’s will
have the worst times with combat wise. Later, I’ll address
this by adding ways of defeating said beasts, such as magic
items. I now insert the monsters into their proper places
in the dungeon. I add my role-playing notes to each creature,
reason for being there, etc and a brief note to myself. I
finish the wandering monster tables.
Now for today I’m done. Keep in mind,
that you absolutely must have a good working knowledge of
the beasts themselves, or else you’ll get into trouble when
you run them in your session! Having the book on the table
in front of you is the very best way to do this kind of research.
If you can’t remember something, read up on it!
While I’m away I think of how my player
characters are to accomplish everything in my dungeon and
how they’re supposed to fight some of the harder monsters.
Do they need outside help? Is the monster one that I’ve thrown
in for them to run from? If they need help I add it now. As
far as monsters that are too hard that’s easy. Choose one
that is 3 levels or more higher. Just make sure that you allude
to it, through notes, or other means of warning. I consider
these things at least a whole day before returning and writing
it all down. Sometimes this part may take several days of
planning because this is the most likely place to disrupt
or adversely affect the balance of my campaign. I try to
look at my dungeon for escapes, or other things that the characters
might do to give me a surprise and make adjustments to my
notes. Now that the monsters both good or bad are in, it’s
time for the hardest most fun part.
Treasure and magic.
Many times, I’ve heard players discuss their
characters with other players. Normally, the discussion includes
character comparisons, their deeds, what neat monsters they’ve
defeated, and what magic stuff they‘ve acquired. (Really good
players will often hint at how great their DM is too!) Some
DM‘s are very comfortable throwing around treasure and magic,
doing this without thought or any reasoning behind it whatsoever.
This is far from true for me. If anything, I’m a bit stingy
or others call me a perfectionist. All that is very true.
There’s several very good reasons it though. Foremost, if
you give out too much stuff, it’ll unbalance the entire game.
It makes it harder to choose the right level of monsters for
the PC’s to fight. Some of the other players might even be
weaker than others. Thus those players will no longer want
to play, because they’ll feel your dungeon is unfair, or that
you’re playing favorites. To top it all off, it’s not fun
for you or the players. Magic is a very fine balance, and
requires the utmost care in placement. Done correctly, the
players will have an appreciation for the magic you present
them. If you give things out too easily or often then often
the troupe will begin to expect it. That’s the last thing
you want. Be unexpected, and you’re players will appreciate
it. Basically if you give too much, then you have to pay the
price and the price is your players’ enjoyment and yours.
So why work extra if you don’t have to?
Make sure that every player is aware of
how precious magic is. They need to understand that while
PC’s may throw spells by the bucketful, such is not the case
with the common people who RARELY see spells. In some instances,
the common folk may even fear, or hate those who cast spells.
PC’s are not like the normal folk. One thing I always
do consistently is reward hard work. It should always pay
off for the PC’s. A simple formula. If the PC’s have a tough
encounter with a challenging monster, then I give them magic
and gold. I can’t stress enough though that you have to be
careful. Here are a few tips on distribution.
Magic comes in many, many forms. There’s
scrolls, weapons, wands, staves, armor, clothing, and the
list goes on and on. Even after all these years, I base all
the magic on what I find in the first edition books. I do
this primarily because the amount of treasure there is consistent
with the levels of the creatures (and PC‘s), so is the magic,
but it‘s set up a bit differently and can be an owlbear to
figure out. Some new players are at a total loss, if they‘ve
never been around other experienced players! You’ve got to
use your common sense. With the magic, it‘s a bit different
to figure out what to give, than the treasure is but then
again it’s also similar in the method I use to allocate it.
I‘ll explain. Treasure in a nutshell is laid out so that
each level of creature is designed to have a specific amount
of treasure dependent on the level of creature. In some cases,
it may be a great deal, in others very little. Generally,
the numbers reflect that a creature has a percentage chance
of having treasure or magic items. This is based on the level
of difficulty for the creature. For an example of how they
do this, go to the back of any monster manual and you find
a listing of treasure types for each creature. For an example
look up a goblin (in MM1) and see what treasure the book recommends
on the table(s). You’ll see the book lists treasure for individual
and multiple creatures, or lairs. You can see a single goblin
won’t have very much. To me a goblin is an excellent 1st level
creature. Look up a Titan now, and compare what his treasure
types are to the goblin. A big difference. Now you’re catching
on! Since a first level character would not be defeating a
Titan in a logical scenario in the first place, it’s highly
unlikely he’ll end up with that much treasure either. That’s
the way you want it too! Otherwise, your players will kill
every monster you pit them against and neither they nor you
will be having a fun.
When I add the magical items, I try to add
them such that there is a balance. Nobody should ever feel
left out. That doesn’t mean that every adventure every character
gets something. Generally though you could actually say every
2-3 adventures, all characters will have received one or two
magic items. I don’t always follow the books to a tee though
because this can lead to too few items due to my lousy die
rolls. Before adding treasure, just like monsters know your
characters and what they currently have. I keep track too
of what I gave out during the last adventure. When you created
a list of monsters, if you recall you already wrote down what
treasure type the monster manual recommended. Now start going
down the list by treasure type. Make the die rolls to ascertain
what treasure the creatures have. Total all the treasures
up. Okay, now roll up all the magic items, and add the experience
points, based on which character you feel will get each separate
item. If you roll cursed items, then so be it, add them unless
they seem inappropriate. List the GP value for each magic
Compare the XP values to the experience
charts for each class, and decide whether or not that much
XP is reasonable. Lower it as you feel is appropriate based
on the level of the monsters, and everything else in the “dungeon“.
Some DM’s don’t do this, but I don’t like characters to rise
up two levels from a single adventure, just because I gave
them a powerful weapon. I don’t feel that is fair to the
other players either, unless you do the same for them.
This is your decision to make though. Now add in the experience
point values for the gold or other moneys.
Now look at the magic items you rolled for.
Ask yourself if there’s anything that will make any players
too powerful for the current group, or otherwise destroy your
plans for the future. If so delete, or change them to something
more acceptable. Now go back through and add any twists,
command words, etc. that are necessary to complete your list.
Be devious. Don’t give them all good stuff! Throw them a
curve once in a while, just to keep them suspicious, and on
their toes.
Go over all the lists and make sure that
they don’t have things you don’t want them to. For instance,
a 3rd level character having a staff of the magi. Or perhaps
you want to be devious? Go ahead and give it to them, but
when they get it identified, no one knows what it is. I’ve
literally lead mages across my entire realm looking for keywords!
Devious, yes some might even say sadistic, (this again is
my players opinion, but they wouldn‘t have it any other way)!
Don’t be afraid to be imaginative. That’s the one single advantage
you have over the players, and is a major means of fun for
Yes, you are supposed to have some fun too! One
final word of advice. Every DM uses their own style for giving
experience. Some don’t give points for accruing money, treasure,
or even exceptional role-play. Some don‘t give anything for
maps, etc. You get the picture. Do what you feel is fair
to the players. If the characters rise either too fast or
slow in levels, then adjust their experience points, or treasures
as necessary to put them where you want them. In regard to
any type of item, if you do happen to make a mistake, and
give away too many then don’t forget.....The DM giveth....and
he taketh away!
There are quite simply, tons of monsters.
In the Monster manuals, Fiend Folio, on the Internet, television,
and in some cases from our own minds. When selecting monsters
you have to narrow this huge field down a lot. This require
a lot of hard work and forethought, which when done right
means the player and you will have lots of fun.
Before I decide what the players are going
to meet, I look at their characters’ stats. For the most part,
I know more about my player’s characters stats and abilities
than the players do. Part of this is merely a result of having
played for so long but it is very helpful when setting up
certain situational problems and clues later. (It’s up to
them to miss the clues later, and that’s part of your fun!)
Know what their level is, what armor they have and what their
to hit rolls are. Know what kind of magic items and what
level of spells they can cast. Last of all know all of their
special abilities.
Once I know all these, I assign a “general”
level of monsters I feel would be a challenge to them. This
doesn’t mean that I only throw out a certain level of creature.
It means that I stay within boundaries that allow me to make
quick, small adjustments to the creatures as I need to during
the game. It’s too easy to just throw out a creature only
to find later that the creature can kill the whole party.
So to cut down on this, I do extra work now.
Selection of terrain.
This area is badly misused. I’ve had the
personal experience of meeting a white dragon in the middle
of an active volcano, complete with pool of lave and pits
of steaming water. To my chagrin, the creature acted as if
it were normal! Please don’t do this it insults your players.
To me it ruined the whole adventure, because it was neither
realistic nor believable. I always try to keep things realistic,
because it’s easier for me, and the players to visualize the
game as we play. This means that the surprises are more real!
That’s why my monsters always are where they’re supposed to
be. Want a white dragon? Try looking in COLD
mountainous areas, glaciers, or deep ice caves.
Select the terrain or geography of the area
the monsters are going to be in before choosing creatures.
Now choose the toughest monster you want to use as
well as some of the lesser ones you want to use, based on
terrain and where they’ll be met whether the monsters will
be in the air, on the ground, in the river or the ocean, castle,
dungeon, cave, trees, hills, etc. In the monster manuals
in the back you can find lists detailing some random table
for wandering monsters. This can be a godsend if you get stuck
or even if you want to use it as the basis for the entire
adventure. |