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Converting a 1E AD&D PC to a LA RPG Avatar

By Peter Kirby

This essay details a system whereby the First Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons RPG Player Character can be converted to the Lejendary Adventure game system Avatar.

At present, the system is limited to the following AD&D game races: human, dwarf; hill and mountain, elf; sylvan and wild, gnome, half-ogre and half-orc. It does not yet detail either equipment or magical item conversion. While the former is a rather simple matter that the Lejend Master (LM) can manage without help, the latter is another matter altogether. The conversion of magical to Extraordinary Items will, however, have to await another day when a lengthy treatment can be given.

The system may be used for non-player characters, although it is recommended only for exceptional types. It should not, under any circumstances, be used to convert either monster or deity.

At its most simple, the 18 steps detailed below convert characters by firstly rendering them as they would have been as newly created Avatars. Merits, as determined by the characters level, are then spent in or on key Abilities, being those Abilities equivalent to the capabilities possessed by the character in AD&D, hopefully leaving the LM and/or the player with a faithful version of the AD&D game charactera faithful version being one that whilst not being identical never the less manages to capture both the feel and overall general capabilities of the original.

LMs should note that, whilst accepting that it is impossible to render an identical version of the PC, this conversion system is designed to render the PC as the PC is, not as the Player Character could have been had the Lejendary Adventure game system been used from that character's inception.

Considering the substantial differences in the two systems, and in an effort to curb any possible resentment that could later be leveled, Lejend Masters who intend to conduct adventures with LA RPG versions of beloved AD&D game characters should consider treating the Avatars as alternate reality versions of the PCs, rather than the PCs themselves. This treatment could also be extended to the campaign, possibly allowing the LM to make use of the Lejendary Earth World Setting and the adventures set there in.

This work is only a beginning. It is hoped that alterations, additions or comments will be forthcoming from other LMs and players, familiar with both systems, to improve its usefulness for all converts.

When, after reading and deciding to utilize the system here presented, be sure to gather all your players together so as to be able to manage the conversion process in one sitting. It is a complex and time-consuming exercise, and by having to go through it but once for PCslater on alone for NPCsis very much to be desired.

Step 1: Determine Avatar race:

Use the following table to find the LA racial equivalent for the character's race.

Race Treat as LA

  • Dwarf
    • Gray ©
    • Hill Dwarf
    • Mountain Dwarf
  • Elf
    • Dark Huldraª
    • Gray Lyf or Alfª
    • High Elfª
    • Valley ©
    • Wild Wylf
    • Wood Ilf
  • Gnome
  • Deep Gnome
  • Surface Gnome
  • Half-Elf ©
  • Halfling ©
  • Half-Ogre Oaf, Major or Orc, Greater¨
  • Half-Orc Oaf, typical or Orc (any save Greater)¨
  • Human Human

© Equivalent currently not known or, in the case of hybrids, uncertain as to treatment to be given to such creatures. If the Avatar is to be an alternate reality version of the PC, the Lejend Master may wish to give the player the option of converting the character to a different race.

ª Avatars of this race are currently unavailable. If the LM has no desire to generate such material, the character should be converted to either a wylf or an ilf.

 Treat PC gray elves as lyfs. NAC gray elves of sufficiently high station may at the LMs option be treated as alves.

 Psychogenics must be selected as either the 1st Ability or the 2nd Ability.

¨ Player's option.

Step 2: Remove any bonuses or penalties that were due to character race:

Pre-race modification Charisma is the character's current Charisma score with respect to their own race.

Uncertainty over any unmodified character ability score should be resolved by an appropriate, as determined by the LM, die roll.

Step 3: Remove any character ability points that were gained during the course of the campaign:

There are several ways in which a character may have gained additional ability points. Examples include wishes, level progression; for cavalier class characters, tomes and even strange fruit.

The LM must keep a record for each character of any points deducted, as these will be returned at step 17

Step 4: Determine initial (pre-adventure) Health, Precision and Speed:

This step applies to the Alfar/non-human game character, as well as the human game character.

Start by dividing the 100 base points, in the usual fashion, between each of the 3 Ratings. In doing so, reference should be made to the character's anticipated initial Abilities and, for the Alfar/non-human game character, step 5.

In allocating the 100 base points, the LM must ensure that he or she is in no way influenced by the die rolls, generated by the equations, below. In general a standard 45, 45, 10 set-up should be favoured, with adjustments of no more than 5 points; but remembering that Speed must be no lower than 8 and no greater than 12; being allowed to take into consideration the general nature of the character and the anticipated initial Abilities.

After allocating the 100 base points, use the following equations to determine the additional points that are to be added to the character's Health, Precision and Speed. Fractions, except for the Precision equation, should be round up to the nearest whole or, in the case of Speed, half number. With respect to Precision, fractions should be round to the nearest whole number - halves being round up.

Health: (Wisdom + Constitution + Charisma - 14)/2

Precision: (Strength + Intelligence + Dexterity - 4)/5

Speed: 0.5 + 0.5 if Dexterity 12 or greater + 0.5 if either Wisdom or Intelligence is 12 or greater

Step 5: Incorporate Alfar/non-human modifications:

Modify the Health, Precision and Speed of the Alfar/non-human game character as shown by the table below.

Alfar/Non-Human Race H P S

Alf (+4 +3 +3)

Dwarf +4 No Adj. -2

Elf (+3 +2 +2)

Gnome -4 +2 -2.5

Huldra (No Adj. +2 +2)

Ilf +6 +4 +1.5

Lyf (+5 +4 +3.5)

Oaf, Major +30 -10 -6

Oaf, typical +24 -12 -5.5

Orc +26 -10 -4.5

Orc, Greater +34 -8 -5

Orc, Lesser +24 -12 -3.5

Wylf -6 +2 +2.5

Step 6: Select initial Abilities:

The optional step 10 provides initial Ability and Order suggestions for each character class. The LM may wish to refer to that information before proceeding with this and the following three steps.

The Lejend Master should select, but not order, the four Abilities, Weapons being a compulsory fifth, that best reflect the capabilities of the character.

As we are at this point dealing only with initial Abilities, the Abilities selected should reflect those held by the character before 9th level.

Whilst the Avatar Orders provide useful guidelines for determining initial Abilities, the LM must ensure that the selections made are faithful to the original character. Choices that are made to obtain a better starting Order Rank must be avoided.

Step 7: Select Order / 1st Ability:

After the initial Abilities have been selected, the LM should move on to consider Order/1st Ability. This should not be difficult, and is thus left in the capable hands of the LM.

Step 8: Rank remaining Abilities:

The Lejend Master should rank the remaining Abilities. The LM, however, should not rank Abilities in such a way that it would disqualify the Avatar from progressing in what would otherwise be an appropriate choice of Order for the character in question, e.g. by ranking Physique at the 2nd position for a fighter (which would disqualify that character from progressing beyond 12th rank in the Soldier Order). In such cases, the LM should adjust the ranking or, possibly, the Abilities selected themselves. Further changes can always be made later, at step 16.

Step 9: Add initial Ability selection bonuses:

Add all applicable bonuses, whether it be to Health, Precision or Speed, stemming from the selection of the initial Abilities.

Step 10: [OPTIONAL] Character class, Order and initial Abilities:

The following optional information is designed to assist LMs in selecting the 5 initial Abilities, and an appropriate Order, for any given character class. In some instances, the information also provides suggestions for Abilities that would have, or would most likely have, been acquired by a character of that class with level progression. As with this document in general, the information is aimed at a faithful conversion rather than a fanciful one.

Character classes, with sub-classes listed under the appropriate class heading, are listed alphabetically, except in the case of the Monk and the Bard, which are discussed last.

Alfar/Non-human game characters, having fewer choices with respect to initial Ability selection, are usually more easily handled, and are thus not given a separate treatment below.

The LM must include all additions to the Health, Precision and/or Speed of the Avatar that may result from initial Ability selection.


Use the Noble Order for this character class. Initial Abilities should be the four listed for that Order.

The 5th Ability is left to the discretion of the LM, to be decided with the player's assistance if required.

Suggested initial Abilities: Chivalry, Weapons, Hunt, Physique, 5th.


The Noble Order with the inclusion of Theurgy as either the 3rd, 4th or 5th Ability selected is probably the best Order for this character class. This, however, will ultimately depend upon how the character class generally and the PC specifically, have been interpreted within the campaign. Paladins based on a Knights Templar model, for example, may be better rendered as Ecclesiastic Order or, more probably, Unordered Avatars.

LMs may well find players bemoaning the loss of many of the benefits that were common to characters of this class, e.g. immunity to disease, protection from evil aura etc. Theurgy Ability more than adequately covers many of these benefits. At the same time, and perhaps more importantly, it also provides generous 'compensation', giving the character new power, by providing the player with the means where by additional theurgical Powers can be gained at a considerable level of accomplishment with relative ease and, by giving the character all the Invocations and Rites of Theurgy. Additionally, in special cases, the awarding of an appropriate Knack will likely compensate for any shortcoming. There is, thus, no reason for complaint.

Suggested initial Abilities: Chivalry, Weapons, Hunt, Physique, Theurgy.


The Order that best reflects this character class is the Ecclesiastic Order.

Given the breadth of the spell types available to this character class, the effects of which by LA standards properly belong to at least 3 different Abilities - namely Theurgy, Necrourgy and Divination - a character of this class will have at least two Extraordinary Abilities as their initial picks. Theurgy is an obvious and necessary first choice. The nature of the other Ability, however, will depend on the alignment and the actions of the character, particularly in the selection and use of spells during the course of the campaign. Generally, Divination will be the additional Extraordinary Ability held by good clerics, as one of the first three Abilities. Evil clerics, on the other hand, will possess Necrourgy, at a similar position. Neutral clerics could conceivably have both. For player characters, the LM should avoid solely relying upon alignment. Rather, he or she should look at the spells that were typically used, or the spells that would have been used had the moment arose. If the PC controlled, rather than destroyed or turned undead, or used any spells involving communication with, creation, or control of the dead/undead, then the Avatar should have Necrourgy. Likewise, if use was made of divinatory magics, such as Divination, Commune, and the various detection spells, then the Avatar should be given Divination.

In addition to, or instead of, Divination or Necrourgy, the nature of the character's deity may be such to require the character to possess some other Ability, whether extraordinary or otherwise. The nature of any such Ability is a matter best left to the LM to decide.

Further to an additional Extraordinary Ability, the cleric character is likely to have chose Weapons as one of the 4 initial picks, and to have ranked that Ability at either the 3rd or 4th position.

At higher levels, a character of this class, if evil, or possibly even neutral, will have also acquired Sorcery.

Suggested initial Abilities: Theurgy, Necrourgy or Divination, Scrutiny, Weapons, Physique.


This character class is perhaps one of the toughest to convert, as there are several different Abilities that could all quite reasonably be selected as the Avatar's 1st Ability. The Druid's priestly nature, of sorts, for example, suggests Theurgy yet most of the spells available to the Druid are more rather Geourgy. And, what about those woodland skills?

Despite the uncertainty over what is the most appropriate primary Ability, the Druid would ultimately seem to be best rendered as an Ecclesiastic Order Avatar or, failing that, an Unordered Avatar.

Suggested initial Abilities: Ecclesiastic Order: Theurgy (Invocation of Service), Savagery or Ranging, Geourgy, Weapons, Rustic; Unordered: Savagery or Ranging, Theurgy (Invocation of Service), Geourgy, Weapons, Rustic.


Use the Soldier Order for this character class.

Likely contenders for the 5th Ability position are Archery, Unarmed Combat, Rustic or Urbane.

Savagery, Nomadic or Chivalry should not be included as initial abilities unless the character had a background supporting the inclusion of the ability, in which case it should be rendered the 5th Ability.

Merits should be spent at step 16, if necessary, to raise Physique Ability so as to reflect high PC/NPC Strength.

Suggested initial Abilities: Weapons, Planning, Ranging, Physique, 5th.


Although the Soldier Order can be used for this character class, the Barbarian is best rendered Unordered.

Suggested initial Abilities: Unordered: Savagery or Nomadic, Weapons, Physique, Waterfaring or Archery or Hunt, Unarmed Combat or Hunt; Soldier Order: Weapons, Savagery or Nomadic, Waterfaring or Archery or Hunt, Unarmed Combat or Hunt, Planning.


Use the Forester Order for this character class.

Savagery should be selected as the 5th Ability to compensate for the loss of the damage bonus against 'giant class' creatures.

If the Ranger's spell casting abilities, for higher level characters, are to be retained, merits should be spent at step 16 to purchase Geourgy and/or Enchantment.

Suggested initial Abilities: Hunt, Weapons, Archery, Rustic, Savagery


The temptation for evil characters, of this class, is to nominate either Sorcery or Necrourgy as the 1st Ability, and declare the character to be either a Demonurge or Warlock Order Avatar. Whilst this can be done for NPCs, it should not be done for PCs, as those abilities do not accurately reflect the type of magics that were available to, and would have been used by, the character prior to 9th level.

The selection of spells available to the magic-user prior to 9th level suggests that the Avatar in this instance will be either an Elementalist or a Mage. Either way, both Geourgy and Enchantment will feature as two of the first three Abilities. Evil magic-users, and possibly even neutral sorts, may also possess Necrourgy. Whilst good magic-users, or possibly even neutral sorts, may also possess Divination.

A high level neutral or evil character of this class will have also acquired Sorcery Ability.

Suggested initial Abilities: Elementalist Order: Geourgy, Arcana, Enchantment, Pantology or Necrourgy or Divination, Weapons; Mage Order: Enchantment, Arcana, Geourgy, Learning or Necrourgy or Divination, Weapons


Use the Mage Order for this character class.

The nature of any non-Order Abilities that may have been selected is left to the LMs discretion. Mechanics, Tricks and/or Minstrelsy may be appropriate inclusions.

Suggested initial Abilities: Enchantment, Arcana, Learning, Metalurgy, Weapons.


Use the Desperado Order for this character class.

Stealth should be placed at the second position in order to reflect the Thief's ability to both move silently and hide in shadows.

Scrutiny Ability, being the Ability that probably best encompasses the Thief's increased capacity to detect (hear) noise, should be acquired at step 16.

Suggested initial Abilities: Stealing, Stealth, Urbane, Evaluation, Weapons.


The temptation with this character class, as with the Bard below, is to use an Order that whilst having a title that 'sounds right' does not equate well with the character class. In this instance, the Order that sounds the part, but is not, is the Rouge Order. Unfortunately, the Abilities required for Rouge Order membership, with the exception of Stealth, and the ranking of those Abilities, do not reflect the skills possessed by the thief-acrobat. The Desperado Order does a much better job, but is still not ideal. It is thus recommended that the thief-acrobat be rendered Unordered.

Physique Ability may feature as an initial selection or form a likely step 16 acquisition.

Suggested initial Abilities: Unordered: Stealth, Stealing, Urbane, Minstrelsy, Weapons; Desperado Order: Stealing, Stealth, Urbane, Minstrelsy, Weapons.


Use the Assassin Order (as found in the MALEDICTED Sourcebook) or, failing that, the Rogue Order.

If using the Assassin Order, Stealing Ability should be left to be acquired as a rank bonus at 7th Rank.

If the Rouge Order is used, Urbane should be selected as the 5th Ability. Stealing Ability should also be acquired at step 16.

Suggested initial Abilities: Assassin Order: Tricks, Urbane, Weapons, Stealth, Pretense; Rouge Order: Pretense, Weapons, Stealth, Tricks, Urbane.


For the present, characters of this class are best rendered Unordered.

In addition to the Abilities suggested below as initial Abilities, the Monk will possess Minstrelsy, and could conceivably have Physique and/or Learning. Minstrelsy, at the very least, should be acquired at step 16.

Suggested initial Abilities: Unarmed Combat, Scrutiny, Psychogenic, Stealth, Weapons.


Although the Jongleur Order would seem to be the most likely candidate for this character class, the Bard is probably best rendered as either a Soldier or Noble Order Avatar with Minstrelsy selected as the 5th Ability.

Irrespective of which Order is selected, members of this character class will be unlikely to have progressed far in terms of Rank as the vast majority of Merits will have been channeled into acquiring new Abilities rather than progressing in the old.

Additional Abilities that will be possessed, and which should thus be acquired at step 16 are, in order:

6th Stealth

7th Stealing or Pretense

8th Geourgy or Theurgy or Enchantment

9th Arcana

10th Learning.

Suggested initial Abilities: Noble Order: Chivalry, Weapons, Hunt, Physique, Minstrelsy; Soldier Order: Weapons, Planning, Ranging, Physique, Minstrelsy.

Step 11: Determine initial Ability Scores and starting Rank:

Determine initial Ability scores in the same way that would normally take place for a newly created Avatar. If in doubt as to what that way may be, please refer to the Lejendary Rules for All Players book.

Consult the Avatar Orders to determine starting Rank.

Step 12: Calculate available Merits:

For levels 1 through to 6 award the character 1,500 Merits per level.

For levels 7 through to 9 award the character 2,500 Merits per level.

For levels 10 or greater award the character 7,500 Merits per level.

Multi-classed characters and characters with more than one class should be awarded Merits for each level that was obtained in each class.

Non-human characters may need to be awarded additional Merits where racial restrictions rather than lack of adventuring stopped level progression. The calculation of any such Merits is left to the LM.

Step 13: Determine principle Ability and Weapons Ability scores:

Use the following table to determine the Avatar's Weapons Ability score. Use the same table, where not otherwise unnecessary, to determine the Avatar's principle Ability score.

If the Ability score indicated by the table is lower than the Avatar's current score, no alterations to the Ability should be made.

For some Avatars the principle Ability will not be the principle Ability for the Avatar's Order. A thief-acrobat being converted to a Desperado Order Avatar, for example, would treat Stealth as the principle Ability, as opposed to the Order's principle Ability Stealing. Other Avatars, such as a converted Bard, may have no principle Ability at all, at least none as far as the table is concerned.

It is important to keep in mind that a high principal Ability score alone does not equate well with a high PC/NPC level. An AD&D Archmage, for example, is much more than a 'mere' enchanter. LMs should thus not be too concerned if the principle Ability score indicated seems a little high, as that Ability is only one facet of the 'complete' character.

The Ability score range, in the Weapons/Principle Ability Score Table, is designed to take into account experience point considerations. Characters new to a level will be at the base of the Ability score range, whilst those who were on the verge of achieving a new, higher level will be at the top of the range.


Base Thaco PC Level Ability Score

20+ 0 0*

20 1 10-20

19 2 21-25

18 3 26-30

17 4 31-35

16 5 36-40

15 6 41-45

14 7 46-50

13 8 51-55

12 9 56-60

11 10 61-70

10 11 71-80

9 12 81-90

8 13 91-100

7 14 101-110

6 15 111-120

5 16 121-130

4 17 131+

* Minimum Weapons Ability is 10.

Step 14: Determine extent of Order Rank bonuses:

The Lejend Master should proceed to trace the Avatar's progression, from the Avatar's initial Rank to the Rank indicated by the principle Ability score indicated in the last step, recording any Order Rank Bonuses on the character sheet, or preferably elsewhere, for inclusion at steps 15 and 16.

It is quite possible that the Avatar will be lacking either one or more requisite Abilities that would, if not acquired, stop Order progression. If the Lejend Master is satisfied - the LM must be absolutely familiar with steps 15 and 16 before being able to be satisfied - that the Avatar would have gained these requisite Abilities during the course of adventuring, then the Lejend Master should proceed on the basis, but not as yet make an Ability additions, that those Abilities have been acquired.

Where the Lejend Master is of the opinion that an Avatar would not have gained a requisite Ability or where the Avatar's principle Ability was not the 1st Ability, the Lejend Master must proceed to only record those bonuses that would, in the Lejend Master's estimations, have been acquired.

Lejend Masters should note that there is a presumption, for this and following steps, that the player/Avatar would have acquired new Ability points and/or new Abilities in such a way so as to maximize Order Rank bonuses.

Step 15: Incorporate Order Rank bonus Ability points and/or deduct Merits to raise the principle Ability and Weapons Ability scores to the levels indicated by step 13:

All relevant (principle Ability and Weapons Ability) Order Rank bonus Ability points should be incorporated first. Merits, if necessary, should then be deducted.

Please note that no score may be altered in such a way as to be greater than the level indicated by step 13. The exception to this dictum is where the Avatar started with a higher score. In such instances, the relevant score should be left untouched at the initial level.

Step 16: Allocate remaining Merits:

The purpose of this step is to make additional alterations to the character, whether it be to scores, Ratings or Abilities possessed, so as to reflect the character, in all respects, as he or she is at the character's current level. In order to achieve this the LM needs to consult both the character and the character class of the character.

The LM should ask the following questions for each of the characters being converted:

  • Is there a need for adjustments to be made to the Health, Precision and/or Speed of the game character?
  • What new Abilities need to be acquired, whether to reflect new skills/abilities that were gained with level progression or otherwise?
  • What is the character's current Ability score in each of the character's Abilities, including any new Abilities acquired during this step?
  • Adjustments to game character ratings will usually only be necessary when the LM feels that the character is now at a disadvantage, usually in combat, which was not previously the case. Such adjustments will tend to be made to the Health of the character.

Possible reasons for acquiring a new Ability include:

  • A new skill/ability was gained with level progression, which is properly the domain of a new Ability;
  • To reflect the acquisition of any new spells, possibly also having come with level progression, the nature of which properly belong to a new Ability;
  • In order to reflect martial considerations, whether due to weapons proficiency, high Strength or Dexterity, or Weapon Specialization;
  • So as to cover any Non-weapon Proficiencies; and
  • To reflect the possession of any other skill that was an important part of the character, but which was possessed without reference to any game statistic.

In determining appropriate Ability score levels, the LM should make use of any 'hints' provided. 'Hints' include any skill related tables or percentages given for a particular character class (e.g. the Thief Function Table) or any statements that refer to a character's chance of being able to perform a skill related function via reference to another character class (e.g. in the case of the Paladin's chance to 'turn undead'). Naturally, it is vital that the LM know what the Ability equivalent for any skill may be. If there is an absence of an appropriate hint, the LM must rely upon common sense. Generally speaking though, all the LM need remember is that it will only be on rare occasions that a character will have another Ability at a higher score than their 1st Ability. It is also worth remembering that some of the Abilities possessed by the Avatar may have undergone little, if any, change.

The LM should assume that the player/character would have acquired new Abilities and/or Ability points in such a way so as to maximize Order bonuses.

All Order Rank bonus Ability points must be incorporated before any Merits are deducted to raise Ability scores. Where an Ability is not yet possessed to which such points are due, the relevant additions should be incorporated immediately upon the Ability's acquisition.

Other Order Rank bonuses (new Abilities, items etc) can, if desired, be added at the end of this step.

Where hints as to an appropriate score for any Ability is given, the Lejend Master should generally defer from adding any additional points that would raise the Ability score above that level

All Merits should be used by the conclusion of this step. Where the Lejend Master is experiencing difficulty in distributing points, thought should be given to acquiring new Base Ratings points, Scrutiny, Ranging and/or Arcana.

The following, detailing Minstrelsy Ability Scores for the thief-acrobat and Physique Ability equivalents for high character Strength, may prove to be of some assistance to the LM.

Thief-Acrobat Minstrelsy Scores:

Thief-Acrobat Minstrelsy Table

TA Level Minstrelsy Score

11 31-40

Strength to Physique Ability:

Two sets of Physique Ability Scores are provided. The first, marked 'Option 1', are loosely based on an unencumbered movement to carrying capacity conversion, whilst the second, marked 'Option 2', are based on the bend bars/lift gates percentages provided in the Players Handbook. As the second set more accurately reflect what was possible for the human Avatar from inception, it should be preferred; at least for human Avatars.

Lejend Masters must remember that the following is only provided to indicate what might be an appropriate Physique Score for a high Strength character. If the character does not have the Merits to reach that score then no additional points should be provided by the LM to do so.

Strength to Physique Ability Table

Strength Option 1 Option 2

13 10 no adjustment

14 11-20 no adjustment

15 21-30 01-10

16 31-40 11-20

17 41-50 21-30

18 51-60 31-40

18/01-50 69-70 41-50

18/51-75 71-90 51-60

18/76-90 91-110 61-70

18/91-99 110-130 71-80

18/00 131+ 81-90

Step 17: Reinstate all character ability points removed at step 2:

For every whole character ability point gained during the course of the campaign, or for the use of any means that would have resulted in an increase of a whole ability point on a one for one basis if not subject to restrictions (e.g. a wish (which will only raise an ability by a 10th of a point after an ability score of 16 has been reached)), allocate 3,000 Merit points to the Avatar. These merits must be kept separate from any that may remain after step 16. They must immediately be used to raise Base Ratings and/or Ability scores, or to buy new Abilities.

It is for the Lejend Master, and the Lejend Master alone, to determine how the merits gained with this step are spent. The LM, however, must keep in mind what the player's purpose was in adjusting any character ability score. If there was no purpose, or the purpose effectively amounted to what would be an alteration of a Rating, then an appropriate Rating should be modified accordingly. Where, however, the player was seeking to gain some skill based advantage, whether in combat or otherwise, the LM needs to apply either part or all of the merits from that character ability point to an appropriate set of Abilities, a 'set' being at least two.

All remaining merits gained at this step are lost to the Avatar at this step's conclusion.

Step 18: Final adjustments

Does the Avatar look 'right'? If not, the LM should make any necessary adjustments. If so, the LM needs to move on to consider Repute, Knacks & Quirks, equipment, and possibly even Powers. For now, however, the conversion guide ends here.

ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS OR OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS: Gary Gygax, Tony McArdle, James (The Gygax-List's 'Lejend Lord') M. Zoshak

Appendix A: Example

Convert the following characters (loosely based on PCs/NPCs from late 80s campaign):

Bombada, Human, Cleric 10:
Str 16, Int 12, Wis 15, Dex 16, Con 12, Chr 17

Nevek, Sylvan Elf , Fighter/Mage 8/8:
Str 19, Int 17, Wis 11, Dex 17, Con 15, Chr 12

Olaf the Sledge, Dwarf, Fighter 9:
Str 18/96, Int 9, Wis 10, Dex 17, Con 18, Chr 8 (9)

Pharnouc de Fazaar, Human, Thief 16:
Str 8, Int 15, Wis 10, Dex 19, Con 16, Chr 13

Sir Radavik Tyshenovsky, Human, Paladin 12:
Str 18/00, Int 10, Wis 16, Dex 16/76, Con 15/88, Chr 18/28

Step 1: Determine Avatar race:

Bombada: Human

Nevek: Ilf

Olaf: Dwarf

Pharnouc: Human

Radavik: Human

Step 2: Remove any bonuses or penalties that were due to character race:

Bombada: Str 16, Int 12, Wis 15, Dex 16 Con 12, Chr 17

Nevek: Str 18, Int 17, Wis 11, Dex 17, Con 15, Chr 12

Olaf: Str 18/96, Int 9, Wis 10, Dex 18, Con 17, Chr 9

Pharnouc: Str 8, Int 15, Wis 10, Dex 19, Con 16, Chr 13

Radavik: Str 18/00, Int 10, Wis 16, Dex 16, Con 15, Chr 18

Step 3: Remove any character ability points that were gained during the course of the campaign:

Bombada (-1): Str 16, Int 12, Wis 15, Dex 16, Con 12, Chr 16

Nevek (-1): Str 17, Int 17, Wis 11, Dex 17, Com 15, Chr 12

Olaf: Str 18/96, Int 9, Wis 10, Dex 18, Con 17, Chr 9

Pharnouc (-2): Str 8, Int 15, Wis 10, Dex 18, Con 15, Chr 13

Radavik (-4): Str 18/75, Int 10, Wis 16, Dex 15, Con 15, Chr 16

Step 4: Determine initial (pre-adventure) Health, Precision and Speed:

Anticipated initial Abilities

M = Mandatory, H=Health Based, P=Precision Based, S=Speed Based.

Bombada: Theurgy (S), Weapons (P), Planning (H), Scrutiny (P), Physique (5th)

Nevek: Geourgy (S), Arcana (S), Weapons (Mandatory), Hunt (M), Stealth (M), Physique (6th)

Olaf: Weapons (P), Unarmed Combat (HPS), Physique (M), Planning (M), Mechanics (M), Luck (6th)

Pharnouc: Stealing (P), Stealth (P), Urbane (P), Weapons (P), Evaluation (5th)

Radavik: Chivalry (H), Weapons (P), Theurgy (S), Hunt (P), Scrutiny (5th)

Allocate Base Rating Points:

Bombada: H43 P45 S12

Nevek: H44 P45 S12

Olaf: H41 P47 S12

Pharnouc: H47 P42 S11

Radavik: H45 P45 S10

Additional points (from equations)

Bombada: H15 P8 S1.5

Nevek: H12 P9 S1.5

Olaf: H11 P8 S1

Pharnouc: H12 P7 S1.5

Radavik: H17 P8 S1.5


Bombada: H58 P53 S13.5

Nevek: H56 P54 S12.5

Olaf: H52 P55 S13

Pharnouc: H59 P49 S12.5

Radavik: H62 P53 S11.5

Step 5: Incorporate Alfar/non-human modifications:

Bombada: H58 P53 S13.5

Nevek: H62 P58 S14

Olaf: H56 P55 S11

Pharnouc: H59 P49 S12.5

Radavik: H62 P53 S11.5

Steps 6-8: Order and initials Abilities:

Referring to step 10 above, but letting familiarity with the characters be the final determinant.

Bombada: Ecclesiastic Order: Theurgy, Scrutiny, Weapons, Planning, Physique

Nevek: Elementalist Order: Geourgy, Arcana, Weapons, Hunt, Stealth, Physique

Olaf: Unordered: Weapons, Unarmed Combat, Physique, Planning, Mechanics, Luck

Pharnouc: Desperado Order: Stealing, Stealth, Urbane, Weapons, Evaluation

Radavik: Noble Order: Chivalry, Weapons, Theurgy, Hunt, Scrutiny

Step 9: Add initial Ability selection bonuses:

Bombada: (H2, P4, S0.5) H60 P57 S14

Nevek: (S1) H62 P58 S15

Olaf: (H1, P3, S0.25) H57 P58 S11.25

Pharnouc: (P8) H59 P57 S12.5

Radavik: (H2, P4, S0.5) H64 P57 S12

Step 11: Determine initial Ability Scores and starting Rank:

Bombada Nevek

Rank: 10th, Novice Rank: 11th, Elemental Practitioner

Theurgy 56 Geourgy 60

Scrutiny 46 Arcana 48

Weapons 34 Weapons 41

Planning 24 Hunt 35

Physique 10 Stealth 29

Physique 10

Olaf Pharnouc

Unordered Rank: 10th, Hoodlum

Weapons 58 Stealing 57

Unarmed Combat 43 Stealth 46

Physique 40 Urbane 34

Planning 34 Weapons 23

Mechanics 29 Evaluation 10

Luck 10


Rank: 10th, Arminger

Chivalry 64

Weapons 46

Theurgy 29

Hunt 26

Scrutiny 10

Step 12: Calculate available Merits:

Bombada: 24,000

Nevek: 28,000

Olaf: 16,500

Pharnouc: 69,000

Radavik: 39,000

Step 13: Determine principle Ability and Weapons Ability scores:

Bombada: Theurgy 69, Weapons 50

Nevek: Geourgy 60 (55 indicated by table), Weapons 55

Olaf: Weapons 60

Pharnouc: Stealing 123, Weapons 53 (use Thaco 13 for lvls 15-16)

Radavik: Chivalry 85, Weapons 85

Step 14: Determine extent of Order Rank bonuses:



Initial Rank: 10th, Novice

Final Rank: 8th, Almoner


Theurgy +1

Scrutiny +2

Physique +7

Learning +2

Weapons +10

Miscellaneous: 2 Memory Tablets, 2 Rites and 4 Powers (at 9th Rank)



Initial Rank: 11th, Elemental Practitioner

Final Rank: 9th, Learned Geourgist


Arcana +2

Pantology +2

Ranging +2

Weapons +5

Miscellaneous: Memory Tablet (10th) and 1 Power (9th)

Note: As Nevek commenced adventuring with Geourgy at 60, he would not have been able to take advantage of the 2 point bonus given to that Ability at 9th Rank.


Unordered Avatar with 1st Ability, Weapons, at less than 61, thus no bonuses.



Initial Rank: 10th, Hoodlum

Final Rank: 2nd, Desperado Prince


Stealing +2

Urbane +10

Evaluation +10

Scrutiny +10

Weapons +20

Miscellaneous: 1 set finest criminal tools (10th); Planning at 20, or 10 if already possessed (3rd); Pretense at 20, or 10 if already possessed (2nd).



Initial Rank: 10th, Arminger

Final Rank: 6th, Knight Banneret


Chivalry +1

Weapons +7

Hunt +7

Physique +7

Miscellaneous: Any sword and half-metal armor (10th)

Note: As Sir Radavik commenced with Chivalry at 64 (65 with 10th Rank bonus), 9th Rank would have been skipped.

Step 15: Incorporate Order Rank bonus Ability points and/or deduct Merits to raise the principle Ability and Weapons Ability scores to the levels indicated by step 13:

Incorporate relevant bonuses:


Weapons 34 + 10 = 44


Weapons 41 + 5 = 46


Stealing 57 + 2 = 59

Weapons 23 + 20 = 53


Chivalry 64 + 1 = 65

Weapons 46 + 7 = 53

Deduct Merits to raise to step 13 levels:


Raise Theurgy from 56 to 69, and Weapons from 44 to 50.

Merits: 24,000 - (13 x 300) 3900 - (6 x 250) 1500 = 18,600


Raise Weapons from 46 to 55.

Merits: 28,000 - (4 x 250) 1000 - (5 x 300) 1500 = 25,500


Raise Weapons from 58 to 60.

Merits: 16,500 - (2 x 300) 600 = 15,900


Raise Stealing from 59 to 123.

Merits: 69,000 - (6 x 300 + 25 x 350 + 23 x 400) = 49,250


Raise Chivalry from 65 to 85, and Weapons from 53 to 85.

Merits: 39,000 - (10 x 300 + 10 x 350) 6,500 - (22 x 300 + 10 x 350) 10,100 = 22,400

Step 16: Allocate remaining Merits:

The remainder of this example will upon Sir Radavik.

Here are Sir Radavik's statistics thus far (Step 13 adjusted scores are shown in brackets):

Name: Sir Radavik Tyshenovsky Race: Human

Order: Noble Rank: 10th, Arminger 1st Ability: Chivalry

Base Ratings: H 64 P 57 S 12 AEPs 48

1st Ability Chivalry 65 (85)

2nd Ability Weapons 46 (85)

3rd Ability Theurgy 29

4th Ability Hunt 26

5th Ability Scrutiny 10

Misc. Info: Any sword and half-metal armor possessed (10th Rank bonus)

Merits available: 22,400

Base Ratings

Speed is a bit low, but not to the point where it is a 'must fix'. If, however, the Merits are available after other acquisitions, this will be an appropriate place to channel them.

New Abilities

New Abilities that will be acquired, if there are sufficient Merits, and reasons for their acquisition, are:

Physique: Requisite Ability. The character possessed high Strength. Thus, Physique Ability is needed to reflect this fact.

Arcana: To reflect encounters with lost/hidden races/peoples, strange places, numerous other planar dwellers, weird and wonderful items etc. Character also has knowledge, well above the norm, of the struggle/s between great powers (deities). Interest also exhibited in area.

Planning: To reflect mapping and exploration skills. Also to reflect knowledge and interest in logistics, leadership and military strategy.

Ability Scores / Fleshing out the character

Chivalry and Weapons levels were determined at step 13.

Remembering the importance of faithfulness, I continue to convert Sir Radavik as follows:

Acquire Physique Ability: Physique acquired at 13. Remaining Merits: 19,900.
Incorporate Rank bonuses: New scores: Chivalry 85, Weapons 85, Theurgy 29, Hunt 33, Scrutiny 10, Physique 20, Arcana 10.
Determine Theurgy Score: Hint provided, character had the ability to affect undead as a cleric 2 levels below paladin level. Consulting the step 13 table, this places Theurgy in the 61-70 range. Opt for 61. Remaining Merits: 11,350.
Raise Physique Ability to 40: Physique raised to 40. Remaining Merits: 6350.
Buy Arcana Ability: Arcana acquired at 10. Remaining Merits: 3850.
Raise Scrutiny Ability score to 25: Suspicious by nature. Experience has reinforced this inclination, Radavik learning on more than one occasion that people, places and things are not always what they seem. Remaining Merits: 550.
Raise Physique Ability to 42: Physique raised to 42. Remaining Merits: 50.
We are left with the following:

Name: Sir Radavik Tyshenovsky Race: Human

Order: Noble Rank:6th, Knight Banneret 1st Ability: Chivalry

Base Ratings: H 64 P 57 S 12 AEPs 48 (50)

1st Ability Chivalry 85

2nd Ability Weapons 85

3rd Ability Theurgy 61

4th Ability Hunt 33

5th Ability Scrutiny 25

6th Ability Physique 42

7th Ability Arcana 10

Misc. Info: Any sword and half-metal armor possessed (10th Rank bonus)

Merits: 50

The others

Name: Bombada Race: Human

Order: Ecclesiastic Rank: 8th, Almoner 1st Ability: Theurgy

Base Ratings: H 60 P 57 S 15 AEPs 60

1st Ability Theurgy 69

2nd Ability Scrutiny 50

3rd Ability Weapons 50

4th Ability Planning 40

5th Ability Physique 20

6th Ability Learning 12

7th Ability Ranging 20

8th Ability Geourgy 15

Misc. Info: 2 Memory Tablets, 2 Rites and 4 Powers (9th Rank bonus)

Merits: 100

Name: Nevek Race: Ilf

Order: Elementalist Rank: 9th, Learned Geourgist 1st Ability: Geourgy

Base Ratings: H 62 P 58 S 15 AEPs 60 (70)

1st Ability Geourgy 60

2nd Ability Arcana 50

3rd Ability Weapons 55

4th Ability Hunt 35

5th Ability Stealth 29

6th Ability Physique 52

7th Ability Pantology 15

8th Ability Ranging 15

9th Ability Enchantment 40

Misc. Info: Memory Tablet (10th Rank bonus) and 1 Power (9th Rank bonus)

Merits: 0

Name: Olaf the Sledge Race: Dwarf

Order: Unordered Rank: - 1st Ability: Weapons

Base Ratings: H 57 P 58 S 12 AEPs 48

1st Ability Weapons 60

2nd Ability Unarmed Combat 50

3rd Ability Physique 70

4th Ability Planning 34

5th Ability Mechanics 29

6th Ability Luck 14

7th Ability Savagery 10

Misc. Info: -

Merits: 100

Name: Pharnouc de Fazaar Race: Human

Order: Desperado Rank: 2nd, Desperado Prince 1st Ability: Stealing

Base Ratings: H 60 P 57 S 13.5 AEPs 54

1st Ability Scrutiny 123

2nd Ability Stealth 121

3rd Ability Urbane 44

4th Ability Weapons 53

5th Ability Evaluation 20

6th Ability Scrutiny 50

7th Ability Tricks 20

8th Ability Minstrelsy 15

9th Ability Chivalry 12

10th Ability Planning 20

11th Ability Pretense 20

Misc. Info: 1 set finest criminal tools (10th Rank bonus)

Merits: 100

Step 17: Reinstate all character ability points removed at step 2:

(Back to Sir Radavik) Decide to deal with the following points in the following manner:

2 Charisma = 6 Health

1 Dexterity = 1 Speed

1 Strength = 10 Physique (advice, under step 17, weighed up and dismissed)

Name: Sir Radavik Tyshenovsky Race: Human

Order: Noble Rank: 6th, Knight Banneret 1st Ability: Chivalry

Base Ratings: H 70 P 57 S 13 AEPs 52 (54)

1st Ability Chivalry 85

2nd Ability Weapons 85

3rd Ability Theurgy 61

4th Ability Hunt 33

5th Ability Scrutiny 25

6th Ability Physique 52

7th Ability Arcana 10

Misc. Info: Any sword and half-metal armor possessed (10th Rank bonus)

Merits: 50

The others

Name: Bombada Race: Human

Order: Ecclesiastic Rank: 8th, Almoner 1st Ability: Theurgy

Base Ratings: H 63 P 57 S 15 AEPs 60

1st Ability Theurgy 69

2nd Ability Scrutiny 50

3rd Ability Weapons 50

4th Ability Planning 40

5th Ability Physique 20

6th Ability Learning 12

7th Ability Ranging 20

8th Ability Geourgy 15

Misc. Info: 2 Memory Tablets, 2 Rites and 4 Powers (9th Rank bonus)

Merits: 100

Name: Nevek Race: Ilf

Order: Elementalist Rank: 9th, Learned Geourgist 1st Ability: Geourgy

Base Ratings: H 62 P 58 S 15 AEPs 60 (70)

1st Ability Geourgy 60

2nd Ability Arcana 50

3rd Ability Weapons 55

4th Ability Hunt 35

5th Ability Stealth 29

6th Ability Physique 62

7th Ability Pantology 15

8th Ability Ranging 15

9th Ability Enchantment 40

Misc. Info: Memory Tablet (10th Rank bonus) and 1 Power (9th Rank bonus)

Merits: 0

Name: Olaf the Sledge Race: Dwarf

Order: Unordered Rank: - 1st Ability: Weapons

Base Ratings: H 57 P 58 S 12 AEPs 48

1st Ability Weapons 60

2nd Ability Unarmed Combat 50

3rd Ability Physique 70

4th Ability Planning 34

5th Ability Mechanics 29

6th Ability Luck 14

7th Ability Savagery 10

Misc. Info: -

Merits: 100

Name: Pharnouc de Fazaar Race: Human

Order: Desperado Rank: 2nd, Desperado Prince 1st Ability: Stealing

Base Ratings: H 63 P 57 S 14.5 AEPs 58

1st Ability Stealing 123

2nd Ability Stealth 121

3rd Ability Urbane 44

4th Ability Weapons 53

5th Ability Evaluation 20

6th Ability Scrutiny 50

7th Ability Tricks 20

8th Ability Minstrelsy 15

9th Ability Chivalry 12

10th Ability Planning 20

11th Ability Pretense 20

Misc. Info: 1 set finest criminal tools (10th Rank bonus)

Merits: 100

Step 18: Final adjustments:

All of the above look fine. However;

The Learned Adept, Setne Kamordeinen of the Academy of Aragery (located on the Maledicted Plateau in the Banir Wastes) informs us that activators of Extraordinary Abilities such as Enchantment, Geourgy, Necromancy, Sorcery, and Theurgy will have More Memory Tablets and activations recorded thereon that the conversion method allows. He suggests that the former DM, now the Lejend Master, award:

One tablet with four activations of the player's choice thereon for every four levels of the former PC in a class using spells as its principle feature, i.e. cleric, druid, illusionist, magic-user.

Remember that a theurgist gains a Memory Tablet in addition to the usual picks, so they have a bonus there too, although no extra activations to fill it. For example an Ecclesiastic Order Avatar gains nine equipment picks from the Magical Table, so such an Avatar begins with one Memory Tablet, might choose one more, and then have eight picks remaining.


© 2000 Peter Kirby. All rights reserved.



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