Welcome to the Castles & Crusades downloads section at Dragonsfoot!
In the spirit of dragonsfoot's dedication to AD&D and other pre 2000 D&D games, we
proudly provide this section to support Troll Lord Game's Castles & Crusades Fantasy Role-playing game. While not "D&D",
it was inspired by original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and does its best to make its products fully compatible with OA/D&D.
In this regard, we plan to offer character sheets, modules, campaign settings and
other products to aid both the player and referee (called Castle Keeper) of C&C!
Feel free to look around, and give us your feedback! Remember that this entire section is kept alive
by folks just like you, who contribute their material. So help keep Dragonsfoot's C&C section alive by sending in your opinions,
suggestions, links, adventures, game worlds and other contributions.