Character Sheets The place to come for quality character sheets, playing forms and miscellaneous RPG forms. Updated regularly.
Section Editor: Steve
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Welcome to the Dragonsfoot Character Sheets section.
We have loads of sheets available for players
and judges including our very popular first edition
AD&D character sheet, character booklet, Lejendary
Adventures FRPG avatar sheets, some fantastic
equipment sheets, Hackmaster sheet and a Call
of Cthulhu investigator sheet!
If you have any character sheets or playing forms
that you would like to contribute, please send
them to the section editor.
An alternative Fighters' to-hit table, following the suggestion in the DMG to let fighters advance by 5% per level rather than 10% every other level. Updated Feb 2016 to include alternative THAC0 charts for all classes and monsters as well as smoothed Saving Throw tables and a smoothed combat wheel.
This form allows the Dungeon Master to record the characters key stats for up to 10 characters on each sheet. Perfect for quick reminders or henchmen records.
This download contains character sheets for each racial and class variation from Unearthed Arcana. These sheets ensure all the information you will need is at your fingertips and there is also plenty of space for your own notes. [Kary's Character Sheets is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Copyright Wizards of the Coast LLC]. Updated for corrections to barbarian character sheets and addition of bard sheets, August 2023.
This download contains character sheets for each racial and class variation in the PHB. These sheets ensure all the information you will need is at your fingertips and there is also plenty of space for your own notes. [Kary's Character Sheets is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Copyright Wizards of the Coast LLC]. Updated for addition of bard sheets, August 2023.
An extremely useful character spreadsheet with automated attribute lookup. Also includes a spell worksheet. Updated to v2 in May 2024 with corrections to thieves skills and hurled weapons.
Game System : First Edition AD&D Downloads : 10605
An alternative Fighters' to-hit table, following the suggestion in the DMG to let fighters advance by 5% per level rather than 10% every other level. Updated Feb 2016 to include alternative THAC0 charts for all classes and monsters as well as smoothed Saving Throw tables and a smoothed combat wheel.
Try these unusual character sheets to bring some 'old school' feeling back into your games. UPDATED: The zip file now contains 23 different character sheets.
Game System : First Edition AD&D Downloads : 57618
For those that just require quick sheets that can be imported into virtually any graphics program or word processor these sheets are for you!
They consist of 2 WMF files (front and back) within one ZIP file. Small, yet highly practical!
This zip file now also contains the files converted into both Word document and PDF format, for convenience.
A seven (yes 7!) page booklet that will allow you to record everything you possibly would want to about your character and it’s background, friends, belongings and more!
Perfect for archiving your character after retiring from active adventuring or just to store all that information in one place!
This is a real corker of a sheet! Game testing for this form has gone very well; all players have taken to it very warmly. This sheet allows you to know exactly where your characters equipment is and what protection you have place on them. Also included is an area for detailing what are on your characters hands and what’s in their backpack. Combined with the Official DF Character sheet – it’s probably all you need!
Designed as an extension to the Official Dragonsfoot character sheet, this equipment sheet allows for much more storage with the addition of a revised THAC0 table for values up to -30.
This sheet allows you to record a list of magic items, notes on its usage, charges and the book and page number to find out more information. This sheet has performed well in game testing with players that are unfamiliar with the rule books and would rather roleplay than spend time looking for particular items in books!
Players or Judges having trouble keeping track of Experience Points awarded in the games? Then try this record sheet.Allows recording of date, award and notes.
This character sheet is a real gem. It will hold all the information you require for your 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game and more! This sheet has been very popular with all that have downloaded it and has attracted very high praise including “Highly Professional” to “Even better that the ones you can buy!”Download it now!
Require a Call of Cthulhu investigator form? These 2 WMF forms can be imported into almost any graphic application or word processor. Nice, neat and useful!
A complete set of Hackmaster character sheets with space for everything you might need. This file contains a version with space for 1E psionics and one for 2E psionics.
This large hex sheet joins our mapping range after the smaller hex sheet proved to be so useful. Download now and you'll never need to buy hex paper again!Also available in Small and Medium!
Our smaller Hex sheets have been very popular, so we created a medium sized hex for all your mapping needs. Why buy when you can get it for free?Also available in large!
Why buy your hex paper when you can download this PDF and print off as much as you need. The sheet includes an area to record the title of the map and also provides a large mapping area.
Savage Worlds is the perfect system for playing multi-genre games. Here is a netbook that helps DMs and players translate the classic game Torg, by West End Games, into the Savage Worlds system, including rules for reality storms, bennies as possibilities, and even a new "on-the-fly" magic system. It includes information for using the classic Torg realities as well as a few new ones. Also included are stats for common enemies found in the Torg Universe and new edges and hindrances that may be useful to players of any genre.
Something weird has occurred at a tower near the village of Mittik. The villagers are scared of whatever twisted the building into such a grotesque shape but are also concerned about the Phweeddle brothers who inhabit the tower. Do your player characters have the stomach to investigate the tower? A 1E adventure for 3-4 characters of level 2-4.