The official e-zine of Dragonsfoot
Editor: Steve
Footprints, our very own e-zine, is a wealth of material for any Original AD&D campaign, with variant rules, monsters, articles, cartoons and a mini-module in every issue. All original, never before published material, submitted by Dragonsfoot forum members, many of whom have been old-school AD&D fans since well before it was old-school!
Current Issue
Footprints #25


The bumper Silver Jubilee Issue #25 of the Footprints e-zine is finally here:

The Beginnings of the Brazilian RPG (article)
Behind the Fallen God (adventure)
Random Treasure (article)
Barbarian Homecoming (fiction)
Maps by Fingolwyn (maps)
The Watch Tower of Quasqueton (adventure)
Simulated Advancement for NPCs (article)
Turning Undead by the Numbers (article)
Cursed Valley (fiction)
Supernatural Diseases (article)
The Decays (monster)
New Monsters
Zero is an Apprentice's Best Friend - Zero Level Spells (article)
Colledician Magic Vol I (article)
New Magic Items
The Tenebrisic Orb (adventure)
Elvish Backgrounds (article)
The Ale of the Gods (fiction)
Forced Phantasmals (article)
Last Stand (adventure)
Archer/Archer-Ranger PC Class (article)
An Index of the D&D Works of Lenard "Leomund's Tiny Hut" Lakofka (article)
Knight (new class)
Gilded Dream of the Incandescent Queen (adventure)

Game System : AD&D
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Other issues available
Footprints #01
by Mike Stewart
Issue 1 of Footprints is now available for download, an e-magazine published and supported by Dragonsfoot and is dedicated to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.

Keeper Of The Old Faith (adventure)
The Weight Of Coins in AD&D (article)
Critical Hits & Fumbles (article)
The Raveger (fiction)
A Second Look: The Mask (class)
Fly Horror (monster)
Guardian Of Light (monster)
N1: Against The Cult Of The Reptile God (review)

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Footprints #02
by Chris Gonnerman
The second issue of Footprints is now available for download. This issue is bigger and better than the first, so get it now!

"What Have I Got In My Pocket?" (article)
The Nasty NPC Competition - Jocasta The Black
Multiclasses as classes (article)
The Spell-Weaver (class)
The 5% Principle for Classic D&D (article)
Gaunt (monster)
Protolich (monster)

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Footprints #03
by Chris Gonnerman
The third excellent issue of Footprints is here, more excellent material, an adventure and a few nasty monsters to throw at your players over the holiday period.

Stop The Goblin Raid (adventure)
The Nasty NPC Competition - The Thing
The Nasty NPC Competition - Delorn
Gigger (monster)
Allaru (monster)
Uttuku (monster)
Retherians (race)
Online Gaming:Play by Email (article)
UK4: When a Star Falls (review)

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Footprints #04
by Chris Gonnerman
Dragonfoot's excellent e-zine goes from strength to strength, with an issue packed full of monsters, curses and adventure. Just when you thought that it could not get any better!

Watchers on the Whyestil (adventure)
The Nasty NPC Competitiion - Zoron, Thief of Lives
Magic Items in their Proper Place (article)
Nightflyers (monster)
"CURSES, foiled again" (article)
Felis Race [Cat Folk] (race)
Gravehound (monster)
Tree Squid (monster)
Gloom (monster)
Corpse Candle (monster)

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Footprints #05
by Chris Gonnerman
Dragonsfoot's e-zine brings you another packed issue, with material by Len Lakofka and Jim Ward, as well as spells, monsters, adventure and much more.

The Lost Chalice Of Father Tomas (adventure)
The Nystul and Lendore Isle Campaign (article)
Suel Gods (article)
The Standard Bearer (fiction)
Vingotsky's Vile Vessel (spell)
The Sharp and Pointy Contest
Ghouloid (monster)
Ghastoid (monster)
Ogham (article)

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Footprints #06
by Chris Gonnerman
Welcome to another feature packed issue of Footprints, with an adventure by Jim Ward, more articles by Len Lakofka, plus monsters, munchies and much, much more.

The Ebony Tower (adventure)
The Clergy of Phaulkon (article)
Recipe for a Devil (article)
Hand of Incabulos (monster)
Those Who Crawl Below (monster)
Train to Improve Ability Scores (article)
Dead of Winter (fiction)
Create Food and Drink (munchies)
Pseudo Dragon (humour)

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Footprints #07
by Chris Gonnerman
Once again Footprints goes from strength to strength with issue 7. This issues contains the following goodies:

Artisans (NPC class)
New Spells
Little Prayers (article/spells)
Cat Of Nine Lives (monster)
Boggarts! (article/monsters)
Scion Of Cthulhu (monster)
Spells for the Sophisticated Travelling Wizard
Clerics Turning Undead (article)
Random Encounters (article)
Master Encumbrance Guide (article)

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Footprints #08
by John A. Turcotte
Dragonsfoot is proud to present issue 8 of its Footprints e-zine.

Variable Hit Dice for Monsters (article)
Secondary Skills (article)
The Chamber of Mull (fiction)
Humanoid Strength Ratings and Expanded Hit Dice Potential (article)
A Second Look: Crafting Items in 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (article)
Wandering Monsters
The Ballad of the Phantasmal Vorpal Sword (article)
New Spells
Prism of the Shades (artifact)
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Footprints #09
by John A. Turcotte
Another excellent edition of DFs' own e-zine:

Beyond Strength: Exceptional Abilities for AD&D (article)
The Church of Osprem (article)
Girdle of Elvenkind by Stephen Sofinski (magic item)
The Emperor’s Lost Army (adventure)
Feng-Huang (monster)
Raiju (monster)
Linnorm (monster)
Rusalka (monster)
Resonant Pass (fiction)
Leomund’s Wondrous Rings (magic items)
Taking the Mystery Out of the Orient (article)
Locks Come to Life (article)
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Footprints #10
by John A. Turcotte
Issue 10 of Dragonsfoots' own excellent e-zine:

The Arcane Knight (class)
Complete Attack and Saving Throw Table (article)
Death From Above! (adventure)
Tordell’s Wonderful Road of Transfiguration (fiction)
Beginning Magic-User Spell Table (article)
Gaining Non-Weapon Proficiency Slots (article)
Stat This Monster Contest winners (monsters)
Dark Huntsmen (monster)
Caravans: Cost and Guarding (article)
The Nightstalkers (magic items)
Wall of Bones/Wave of Fatigue (spells)
Create Food & Drink (recipes)
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Footprints #11
by John A. Turcotte
The eleventh jam-packed issue of DF's own e-zine.

Four new “Gygaxian” classes for your AD&D® game! Part One - Mystic & Savant
New Vermin, by Stuart Marshall (monsters)
AD&D Ability Score Training and Improvement (article)
Lost Shrine of Tharizdun (adventure)
Choices (article)
The Ki-Mancer (class)
New Illusionist Spells
Waiting for My Check (article)
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Footprints #12
by John A. Turcotte
The twelfth issue of DF's own e-zine.

Leomund’s Silken Squares (magic item)
New “Gygaxian” classes for your AD&D® game! Part Two - The Mountebank and the Jester
Feudal Social Hierarchy in AD&D (article)
Alternative Tables for Ability Adjustments (article)
Dinner is Served! (encounter)
Damned One (creature)
The Whipcord (creature)
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Footprints #13
by John Turcotte
The thirteenth edition of Dragonfoots’ superb e-zine.

The Houngan (NPC Class)
The Enchantment (Poem)
Tower of the Elephant (adventure)
Alien Versus ... Druid? (article)
New Mosters: Kzaddich and Tsalakian
Vampire Lords (NPC Class)
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Footprints #14
by John Turcotte
This is the amazing issue 14 of Dragonsfoot's own e-zine:

The Necromancer (Class)
100 Names for Taverns (Article)
The Dead Down Below (adventure)
The Boggle (monster)
The Vulkodlak (monster)
Seasons in the Abyss (article)
Nolzur of Lendor (NPC)
Vampire Lords (part 2) (NPC Class)
My Kingdom for a ... (article)
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Footprints #15
by John Turcotte
This is the superb issue 15 of Dragonsfoot's own e-zine:

Historically Resonant Coinage (article)
Haunted Inn of the Little Bear (adventure)
Vampire Bat (monster)
Powrie (monster)
Gift in Early and Late AD&D (article)
Ruminations of an Aging DM (article)
Random Phantom Generator (article/monster)
Give Your Cities Some Character (article)
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Footprints #16
by John Turcotte
Welcome to Issue 16 of Dragonsfoot's own e-zine:

The Transmuter (class)
Bandit Stronghold (adventure)
Elemental Stalkers (creature)
Frost Naga (creature)
Iceblight (creature)
Primordimental (creature)
The Urban (class)
Cantor's Pocket Demesne (spell)
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Footprints #17
by John Turcotte
Welcome to Issue 17 of Dragonsfoot's excellent e-zine:

Alternative Spell Casting Rules (article)
Death Dice (magic item)
The (false) Tomb of Horrors (adventure)
Teleport Trap (article)
The Werelord (NPC class)
Sword of Taunting +1 (magic item)
The Reconciled Ranger (class)
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Footprints #18
by Steve Yates, et. al.
Issue 18 of our very own e-zine:

The Cult of the Devourer (article)
A Riddle (article)
The Mired Cathedral (adventure)
Magic Items (article)
The Holy Sword (article)
Tribal Spellcasters revisited (article)
Creatures of the Tulgey Wood (article)
The Sorcerer (class)
An Unhealthy Obsession with Equipment (article)
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Footprints #19
by Steve Yates, et. al.
Welcome to Issue 19 of Dragonsfoot's excellent e-zine:

Field Notes from Davendowns (article)
Kung Fu Monk (class)
Magic Items for Assassins and Other Dirty Fighters (article)
King Rat (monster)
Create Food and Drink (recipes)
Troubadour (class)
Into the Shrieking Hollow (adventure)
Ecology of the Cave Blinder (article)
Thorks (adventure)
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Footprints #20
by Steve Yates, et. al.
Welcome to the awesome issue 20 of our very own e-zine.

The Witch(class)
Create Food & Drink (recipes)
The Secret of the Wood of Dark Boughs (adventure)
The Thieves' Guild of Ravenar (article)
The Printing Press of Glarck (article)
The Goliath (race)
The Rat's Meow (adventure)
Weapon Type vs Armor Class (article)
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Footprints #21
by Steve Yates, et. al.
Welcome to the amazing bumper issue #21 of our very own e-zine.

New Character Races (article)
Combined Combat Chart (article)
How Much Experience Did We Get For That Dragon? (article)
Magical Miscellanea (magical items)
Glarck's Remote Spell Books (article)
Ride the Lightning! (MU spells)
Monsters of All Sizes (article)
The Wizard's Laboratory (article)
The Conjurer (new class)
The Lake Of Sorrows (adventure)
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Footprints #22
by Steve Yates, et. al.
Welcome to the most excellent issue 22 of our very own e-zine.

Charge It!(article)
Feelin' Trapped? (article)
Pulling Strings (adventure)
Treasure & Tables (article)
Systems & Swordplay (article)
Many a Quaint and Curious Volume of Forgotten Lore (article)
Prelude to an Adventure (fiction)
Blacktop Vale (adventure)
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Footprints #23
by Steve Yates, et. al.
Dragonsfoot is proud to present issue #23 of the Footprints e-zine:

Lycanthropes with Class (article)
The Slayer (class)
Centaurs! More Than Just Horsing Around (article)
No Bones About It (adventure)
Basic Equipage and Supplies: Costs and Encumbrances (article)
A Digest Alchemical (article)
Human and Halfling Character Background Tables (article)
B11a: Priest's Errand (adventure)
The Eye of Ishur (fiction)
Shards from the Workshop (creatures)
Undead Immunities (article)
Citadel of the Carrion-Eaters (adventure)
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Footprints #24
by Steve Yates, et. al.
Issue #24 of the Footprints e-zine is finally here:

The Experience Check (article)
Centaur Background (article)
Revisiting the Ghost Tower (article/adventure)
Shards from the Workshop (creatures)
Dwarf Backgrounds (article)
The Western Monk (class)
The Skald (class)
Performance Spells (article)
Ruins of the River Gates (adventure)
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Footprints #25
by Steve Yates, et. al.
The bumper Silver Jubilee Issue #25 of the Footprints e-zine is finally here:

The Beginnings of the Brazilian RPG (article)
Behind the Fallen God (adventure)
Random Treasure (article)
Barbarian Homecoming (fiction)
Maps by Fingolwyn (maps)
The Watch Tower of Quasqueton (adventure)
Simulated Advancement for NPCs (article)
Turning Undead by the Numbers (article)
Cursed Valley (fiction)
Supernatural Diseases (article)
The Decays (monster)
New Monsters
Zero is an Apprentice's Best Friend - Zero Level Spells (article)
Colledician Magic Vol I (article)
New Magic Items
The Tenebrisic Orb (adventure)
Elvish Backgrounds (article)
The Ale of the Gods (fiction)
Forced Phantasmals (article)
Last Stand (adventure)
Archer/Archer-Ranger PC Class (article)
An Index of the D&D Works of Lenard "Leomund's Tiny Hut" Lakofka (article)
Knight (new class)
Gilded Dream of the Incandescent Queen (adventure)
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Footprints Compendium of Monsters
by Travis Petersen (compiled by)
This compendium contains the collated creatures from issues #1 to #25 of the Footprints e-zine, with a reference to the author and source issue for each creature. Over 100 creatures at your fingertips.
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Footprints Compilation, vol. 1
by Mike Stewart, Chris Gonnerman, John Turcotte, et. al.
A zip file containing the first 15 issues of Footprints.
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1st Ed AD&D Resources
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Footprints e-zine
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Something evil has descended at the extreme border of the kingdom. Villages are being attacked and citizens are being killed. Some rumors say a coven of witches is responsible for the terror. Other rumors link the attacks to creatures that came from depths of hell. A group of hardy adventurers is needed to stop who or what is behind the attacks. An adventure for Characters Levels 9 to 12.
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